Dear Caps.
Here we go again.
Yes its me.
I am assuming my first letter did not get to you in time for this weekends games. I should talk to the mailman, or the squirrel that I am pretty sure runs my computer about this.
Listen...this is getting old. Do you think I enjoy coming into work every day after a lose feeling as though I have justify why you guys are playing the way you are? Justify the reasons I think, Bruce should and will stick around? Explain why Ovi isn't the same man he was last year. Yes we know he isn't the scoring machine he was, but hello he has been incredible with the assist. Yet, apparently it isn't exactly what these guys want to hear. Which is pretty amazing for last year they were complaining he was to strong, to aggressive and now these same men are telling me they need the old Ovi back. You know, come to think of it what should I expect? They are men, aggressive is right up their ally.
OK yep, I am getting off base here. Forgive.
Lets get back on track.
I realize you all have the flu. Its being passed around like those stink bugs this past summer. Its horrible. Really it is. I wish I could have magical remedy to clear it up. But I don't so you just get stuck with a letter instead. I know you are just so thrilled. I can read it across your face as I type this out.
And because I am sure this will make know no difference in the long run, I would allow me some time just to bitch. Because I need it. And even if it does nothing to change the outcome, it will make me feel at least a hell of a lot better.
I am really at loss of words lately when it comes to my favorite team. I mean for years we-as in the Washington DC-area have been in a rut for a great sports team. But it seemed that you guys had changed that. You were the bright spot in this area. Now I am not saying I wasn't a fan before you guys rose to your stardom. As we established in my first letter I have been a fan for a long time now, back before the rock the red, seats filled completely days. But when you guys became the team that you are supposedly now, well.. You promised not just myself, but the town a chance.
And we believe(d) in you. I believe in you.
And yet I am finding it harder and harder to defend you. I dread coming to work the day after a game when you lose. Especially to a 7-0 loss. That one hurts like hell. I sit in my cube and hide from all the nay sayers looking for any information that they can get from me.-Confession here, my husband works for the team-and while I don't give them any we spend hours discussing it. The reasons, the questions. And I try, oh do I try to encourage them to continue to follow you guys.
But I am losing my battle.
And I need some help.
Maybe its the flu that is going around, or the cameras for this HBO special. Or maybe its the Redskins, after all they have been in a slump for what...years? But whatever it is, it needs to get fixed. The sooner the better.
Again, as I have said, I can't do this alone.
So we need to figure out what is going on here. We need to get back to the team I know and love. No, I don't expect you to win every game. But I really don't want you to lose every game either.
So if we could maybe figure out a compromise.
Well I would be eternally grateful.
A frustrated fan.
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