Dear Caps-
I think its time we talk.
You are breaking my heart.
What are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to kill me? Trying to force me into not believing you are the team that is supposedly Cup worthy this year? Because if you are, then your doing a wonderful job. Seriously if this is the case then so be it. Go ahead and play like shit, give up, pack it in and call it a season right now.
I will see you next October.
But I thought we were stronger than this, I thought we were the team to beat, not the team to beaten, broken down and thrown out like yesterdays garbage. What happened to the team that in the beginning of the season promised me they would make it farther than the first round this year? Have you lost it so much that you can't gain any ground? Have your young guns already peaked? Please tell me this is not so.
I get it, I know that the sport is hard, the season long. And by no means are we anywhere near being out of it. This I know. Just as much as I know everyone is after us. But seriously, some of these teams were easily beaten...hello Panthers? Its been what how many seasons since they beat us on our home turf?
Well up until last night that was.
You can't tell me you only want to pay attention to the 'big' games. If you are then you are in for a surprise, because yeah the other teams, that ones that you thought were so easy you could win without trying, well they turn into actual teams that are willing to challenge, and apparently beat us.
I also understand that every team has their shitty moments. I am assuming this is what we are going through. But do you think you can maybe stop this? Four games is by far enough for me. Somehow I don't think I am the only one that would agree on this either. I am also trying not to listen to the nay sayers that are telling me the coach should be fired, Ovi should be demoted and that everyone on the team needs to be traded. Because while they may think so, I doubt this would be the answer.
Which leads me, and anyone reading this asking, what the hell is going on and how do we fix it? I will not pretend to have all the answers. I am no coach or even analysis after all. But what I do see is a lack of confidence, a lack of leadership. Maybe Ovi isn't the captain we thought he would be? Maybe we need a veteran in there. Someone who will get mad with everyone and isn't afraid to say anything. That sort of guy. I mean Ovi is wonderful, but does he do any of this? We need this sort of leader.To bad the only one I can think of the moment worthy of the position has his mouth wired shut.
And while I know its a lot easier said than done, we need to win. Stop blaming things such as the flu on your losing ways. Look deeper. You have to want it, to win it. I know you guys are playing for the Cup, but you are also playing for the fans. And without us, you guys wouldn't be the team you are today. Believe me I know I sat through plenty of empty seat games to know how we have changed you, and how you have changed us. But please dig somewhere deeper til you find out what has been missing. Until you find out what playing is worth, until you find out what is missing..I am afraid this is going to go nowhere.
Yes its a game. But it is also your life. Your profession.
You guys are better than this.
I still stand behind you. I still can't wait for the day that you raise the cup at the Verizon Center and blow the rest of the hockey world out of the water. But I can't do this alone.
Don't make me.
Yours Sincerely.
One frustrated fan.