See the image to your right over there.
Yea, I will confess I can not live without it. Literally I am one of those people you see on the subway, the kind that sleeps on the way home, their earbuds plugged in. I am the kind that listens to it at the mall while walking it. The kind that is constantly having to get a new one-like every two years-because I abuse the shit out of it.
Yes I listen to it that much.
In fact I view my Ipod like my husband views his phone. He is never without it, and gets quite lost without it. So this morning when I got in the car only to realize my Ipod wasn't with me. I sort of freaked out. Sort of. But I figured it was somewhere, it had to be. I checked my coat, my bag and even my car, nothing. My husband ran back into the house to do a quick search, he came back empty handed. Which at the point I began to freak a little more. Or ok a lot more. I mean really where could it be? It hadn't gone to far. It couldn't have. I ran my agenda from the night before in my head. Suddenly I think I remember never even bringing my Ipod into the house. Did I? No I am pretty sure I didn't. I had my hand full. Even with the handless device that my keys offer, it is still hard to do. So then I tried to recall if I locked my car and couldn't. A fact that got me even more irate than anything.
We ended up driving off, without my Ipod, which I have convinced myself is stolen at this point. Chalking it up to being pissed off at myself since if my car was unlocked then it was an open invite to anyone to take it really.
My Friday was ruined.
My husband, who always tends to look at things as a half full view went on about how its at home he just overlooked him. And I sat there trying to tell him that he is wrong. That I knew it was gone. We sat there as the lights flew by us, screaming at the top of our lungs trying to prove that we were the ones in the right.
He was mad because I was dramatically overreacting to the simple thought that my Ipod was stolen, without proof that it actually was stolen. And I was pissed because he just wanted me a happy little smily person and didn't want me to be at all upset what so ever.
All over a freaking Ipod.
We rode all the way to my parents house in silence still fuming over everything.
As we departed, him to his office, me to the metro I was still fuming, though maybe not so much, and as my van picked us up and brought me to the office I was at least calm when I heard about a woman who watched as a guy in a wheelchair was hit by a car in the morning, she watched the entire thing go down.
And it hit me then, just how stupid being so concerned with the possibility of an Ipod theft really was. We still had our health, my marriage and my son would still be singing to T.O Cruz's Dynamite on our way home. But to say that my Friday was ruined because of a missing Ipod? I'm pretty sure that one shouldn't be classified at an end all to be all, and I am prety sure if you were to ask the dude that got hit, the one in a wheelchair.
Well I am sure he would be willing to trade a missing Ipod, with me any day.
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