Halloween 2010.
I know for a lot of people, especially children Halloween is a pretty big deal. I mean it ranks right up there with Christmas. Who wouldn't enjoy dressing up as someone for an evening, getting way to much candy and then turning around and bargaining with friends and family on the candy that you really want. I on the other hand have never really been that into it. Sure as a kid, going around door to door stuffing my face with endless amounts of candy was pretty sweet. I won't lie. But getting dressed up, getting scared shitless? Yea not so much. And yes its ok, go ahead and call me a whimp. For the most part I probably would agree with you.
But of course now I have a son. Yes we did get all excited. We went and picked out the cutest costume, which was originally going to be Buzz until he got scared of the wings, and then he quickly decided on Nemo...we rushed to the store to stock up on candy, our favorites just in case we had leftovers. And we made sure we were home, our door open ready for little monsters and princesses. So everything would be more involved, and Halloween dif. had to be more special right? I have a kid so it certainly has to be.
Umm nope.
Then again my son hasn't even turned two yet. Still we decided to take him out. If not to the entire neighborhood than to at least the few houses around the area. What we discovered is this, the apple apparently doesn't fall to far from the tree after all. It seems Logan is afraid of just about any costume that does not involve Buzz Lightyear, Mickey or a princess. And you can forget most of the outdoor decorations yea, he wasn't having any of it. We did however manage to dress him up in his Nemo outfit drag him around to the few houses that were handing out candy at 6 pm and get him to at least experience the idea of trick or treating.
But once the older kids started coming in, Logan began howling and screaming, he got himself so worked up he made himself sick. Making me wonder if it was all worth it really in the end. But at least we tried, at least we did it...
Here's to hoping that maybe next year he may be a little more into it.
And maybe with a little luck his mommy will be more into it as the years go on as well.
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