I came back to my dorm at Longwood (then college, now university) to an empty room. All of my roomates and suitemates had class up until after 5:30. Mine were all done by 11:30. Leaving me the entire afternoon to myself. Believe me, they may have laughed that I got up for those extra early classes. After all, we were no longer required to get up at a certain time so why should we? But I had my reasons.. And two weeks into freshman year they weren't laughing anymore.
When it came to Fridays down in Farmville, there wasn't much to do. So for good reason most got the hell out of there as fast as they could Thursday evenings. Those that did stick around partied until they were drunk, or ended up in other peoples rooms. I was neither a hard core party goer-amazing since I am a huge fan of dancing, nor had I made that many friends yet-Leaving me not just an empty dorm room, but empty hallways as well.
I got the idea one Friday afternoon shortly after arriving to school that I would do a Friday celebration. A kick off the weekend, relieve stress, smile and be happy. That sort of thing and since no one was around, I didn't really care that I made a fool of myself. It started in my room, I would crank up a song, half the time it was whatever we had on Napster or in my CD player at the time-yes Itunes, there was life before you. Cranking it up to volumes unimaginable before standing in the middle of my room and just rock it. When I realized that no one was around it gradually grew from my room to the hallway, for five minutes I would grove up and down the halls.
Of course this would not go unnoticed forever, because while I thought the halls were empty, on occasion I would get caught and found out. I did however not let this stop me, and soon it became known that at noon every Friday I would do my Friday dance around the dorm. Several girls would open their own door and dance along with me in their own way.
What started out as something to celebrate and simple, turned into something elaborate and enjoyable. I am sure if you ask the few that I am still friends with, I had a few memorable dances as well. Everclears Santa Baby comes to mind, along with a nice little ballroom cha cha to Gloria Estefan's Conga.
This tradition would carry on when I returned home, and started a full time job. On Fridays, every Friday I would dance down the halls, usually after most everyone, with the exception of one or two-was gone for the week. Sometimes the dances were simple more like cheers other times it was pure out get down and dance my ass off sort of dance.
And it is now a tradition I have in my current cube, I find a jam, throw on my ipod and for five minutes dance. I shake my hips, do the running man, and lip sync at the top of my lungs.I have yet to be caught doing this in my current group. Not that its going to stop me, embarrass me maybe but stop me, nope.
But I imagine its only a matter of time before I turn around and a crowd is gathered at the entrance to my cube.
Until then.
I will continue to dance, every Friday.
At noon.
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