
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Been A while

Its been awhile. I swear I always say thing, and I know I do. And I always promise I will write more. Truth is I have been trying to find a blog site I am truly happy with, in design in feel..and so I go back and forth. I came on to see what blogger had to offer again after an absence and low and behold it has some great designs...which means. I just may have to come back here on a more permanent basis.

Of course this just may mean I will go back endlessly through live journal and post some old forgive. I shall be back to my usual blogging banter shortly.

I know you are all just thrilled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's exactly why I've been going in and out of Livejournal. Recently I found LJ to be kind of the inbetween of Kiwi and whatever else is out there. I know some friends and family who are on Blogger so I decided to give it a try myself. I'm glad you're considering coming back here!