
Thursday, July 8, 2010

1 Hubby 1 Mommy and 1 Baby


I am getting nervous about this vacation. And its probably not for the reason you think. Its not because this is a huge group and the first time we have planned a vacation with more than three people. And its not because my sister, who has yet to figure out what she is officially doing is still, up in the air. But rather its regarding my seventeen month old son.

And a two hour flight.

Andy and I have flown before. Several times by now. But flying with a baby? Is something totally different. And to prepare myself, my son and even my everything will be fine husband. I have been reading, researching and trying to prepare myself for whatever may come. I've read about the horror stories, about babies screaming the entire time, I myself admitidly have given someone the evil eye, and now fear it will come my own way. I fear that my son won't be able to understand whats going on. That his ears will hurt him to much causing him to cry and scream. And I really don't want to be viewed as one of those parents who can't control their kids.

My husband assures me everything is going to be ok. That since this is a trip, a flight down to Orlando, the likelyhood of it being packed with kids of all ages is pretty good. Not to mention, he adds that he pretty much figures most of them are going to be screaming as well and so we shouldn't worry about our one and a half year old.

I want to tell myself he is right, and that there is in fact nothing to worry about. I want to tell myself that he is going to be the other kind of child, the child that is good. And others are envious of the fact that he is good. Because deep down thats what I wish. And I can pray and hope and wish.

Because neither my husband nor myself know just how exactly lil man is going to react. Until the flight actually takes off.

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