
Monday, March 1, 2010

Healthy boy, thankful heart

I came across this twitter the other day, supporting a family as their two year old daughter fights stage four brain cancer. And as I read the story of Layla Grace my own heart broke.

Because as I read I thought about Logan, sleeping upstairs probably snoring away, his own little heart healthy as can be. I thought about what it would do to me, to find out something was wrong to have to go through the pain this family, and others that are dealing with the same sort of situation deal with. And it made me want to wake him. To run up the stairs and just hold him. It didn't seem fair that he is healthy and active and yet some never get to have that feeling and never get to experience.

Some get robbed of the chance.

It made me that much thankful that I have a healthy little boy, that for now my life is perfect, my child is perfect and I thank the lord that I am not fighting the nasty sicknesses that some of these kids deal with.

And then I felt ashamed, because here I am thanking the lords, when I should be doing something about it. Shouldn't I? I can't do much and what could I do? But it just made me feel guilty that I had a healthy boy and they didn't. Because it could be me. Next year, two years down the road. Who knows.

I sit here, days after I first found the little girls story. Currently she is alive, barely. But she is hanging on. And these are the ones that deserve metals. For their strength the determination. For their will to stay alive. The children and their parents who stand by and watch, feeling helpless feeling emotions I can't even begin to explain or know.

They are the true champions of the day.
And even when it seems as though they don't have it them.
Some how they manage to fight.

Yes, I am thankful for my healthy logan, and hope that I will never have to watch my child go through such pain...

Fingers crossed.

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