
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So Why Always Disney?

Everyone has there go to places. You know the place I am talking about. The place that you go to when you are down, when you can't find your way out. The one place where no matter what is going, it makes you happy. For some like my in laws, its the peaceful calm of the West Virginia mountains. For others, its the beach. And while I do love a good day on the beach, my happy place. Is Disney.

So why Disney you may ask.

Well why not? I mean seriously, where else on earth can you completely escape from the everyday. Where acting like you are five again is not only acceptable but the norm. Where else can I go, that I don't have to worry about my allergies because for the entire time I am there I get a chief that will cook for me.

If you can't think of it, its because well most places none of these exists. Unless of course you are Disney.

And because, while I love hockey. It is pretty much what we eat, sleep and breath here. It is our breadwinner. And because of this, there is no escape. No rest from it. Not even during the Olympics, which was supposed to be a two and a half week break from the beloved sport. Turns out, it seems it has only fueled it even more.

No, For us, there is no off season.

So our only place to go to escape this? Just happens to be the happiest place on earth.

So why Disney?

Well why not?

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