
Monday, February 8, 2010

Round 2

Dear Snow Gods.

I get it. For years you heard the DC area bitch moan and complain about the lack of white fluffy cold stuff that for so long has eluded us. You sat back and waited listening to our pleas, the children's cries for snow days and the adults wishes that it would snow enough that they to could possibly get some time off. Yes, you waited with patience until just the right time. And you somehow managed to do this, while laughing at us. Knowing full well what you had in store for us.

Well ha ha. You have had your laugh. You have had your fun. Taking it well beyond a five minute joke to a point where it is so not funny anymore. In fact it is rather, unbelievably sad. I mean yes, most of the city wanted snow. But enough is enough. A third major snowstorm in less than two months?


Now I understand. The first was cool. Fun even. Who doesn't love a good two feet of snow the week before Christmas? A few weeks after that, a few inches here and there. Ok I can, we can handle that. But this three feet of snow one weekend and then hey for fun I will throw in another near foot three days later? You have taken it way to far my friend. Way to far.

Which is why, I am making once again another plea. Perhaps I am the only one who will plea, and whom is saying they are tired of the snow. But come on, give me a freaking break. I can not take this to much longer. I am tired of trying to figure out how I am going to get to work. If I am going to get to work. I am tired of hearing the same snowstorm watch twenty/four seven, I really don't think I need to know that we gained another inch within a half hour. Or the fact that our local reporter, who has been out there for the past twelve hours has run out of hot chocolate, and he prefers it with marshmallows. I don't need to know that the last loaf of break has been bought.

Another words. Give me a freaking break. Enough is enough. Now move on, pack your bags and go pick on someone your own size once more.

Sincerely yours.

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