
Thursday, April 2, 2009

2 month!

So what did I do for Logan's two months? We landed ourselves in the doctors, with a major case of cradle crap rash. I know what your thinking, all babies get this. And you are right. But what I didn't realize is that this can lead to a rash that has formed from his head to his knees. They also informed me that like his mommy, he probably has some allergy or is sensitive to soap. Great. I am sure this is the first of many things he is going to be sensitive to. After all lets not forget this is my child we are talking about.

And I seem to be the queen of allergies.

We found some ointment that they recommended and have lathered him up with it. Believe it or not, I believe it is already helping. At least so far. They said it should be clearing up in about a week, but that we have to be careful with things from now on. Agsin, no big surprise there.

Two months and its already starting.

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