
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Looking at houses is a scary thing. There are just so many to chose from. Granted they may not be the number they once were, where you had your pick of colors, areas and such. But still, if you are looking in todays market chances are you are going to find something that meets your needs.

And at a hell of a lot cheaper than they used to be.

And what are our needs? For the most part we are looking at townhouses, because that seems to be our budget at the moment. Sure we would love a huge single family house large enough for us and our family. But lets be realistic here. We don't have that kind of money to mess around with.

But we dif. need something that is big enough for us, and Logan and while we aren't thinking of adding on to our little family any time soon we know that eventually we will be. Which means we need something more than just two bedrooms. Something that will be large enough for us to grow more or less. Andy is all about a deck. He wants one. I on the other hand think that if its the difference between ten grand, then I am willing to give it up.

Not that there aren't plenty with decks.

But how do you know which one is the right one? How will we know two years from now we won't hate it? I suppose there really is no right answer here because truthfully nobody can really say this. The best we can do for the moment is look around and find something that will be satisfying to both of us. And while they may not meet every little wish list item.

We can at least hope they have some.

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