I feel like shit. Seriously. I would love to be able to candy code it with how great it is, and how much I am enjoying it. But right now. Well right now I feel to sick to even think about how great its going to be. How I feel as though, when I eat I am going to get sick. And when I don't I am going to get sick. I just feel sick to my stomach twenty four seven. And I wonder if this is normal? I keep hoping that after the first trimester it will be better. And I am sure it will. After all, how many people say the first few months of the pregnancy is the hardest. They also say this about marriage as well.
I don't see how people can do this eighteen times. That blows my mind. I am just trying to survive and manage my first not even thinking of the others. And I commend them for being strong enough to deal with the sickness, the feeling and all for that long.
Because really all I want to do right now is just go to bed. Or get better. Don't get me wrong. I am excited. And i am looking forward to it all. The experience. I think its going to be incredible. But what you don't hear about. What people don't tell you is how much you feel like you have a major case of the flu. They don't tell you you aren't going to feel like yourself for three months.
Because if they did, how many people would sign up?
Though maybe its the hormones that are making me bitch.
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