Now I will admit this. I am a very worried first time mom. I worry he is to short-which is ridiculous considering dad is about 6'2- I worry he is a huge baby. Because I have been constantly told that he is 'soooo big.' I worry I don't feed him enough, or worse I feed him to much. I am assuming this is only natural and that I am like many and we all share these sort of fears.
I would like to think anyway.
Of course my fears were all put to rest when I heard the analysis. At 18 months he weighs in at 26 Lbs, (56%tile) and 33 inches (65%tile) I am sure my sigh of relief was heard throughout the Northern Virginia region as I realized that my son is normal. Sure he is a little taller his head a little bigger than average but all in all, everything is perfect.
I find his sense of vocabulary is astonishing. True I don't have that much to compare it to. But he is counting, both forwards and backwards, his alphabet isn't quite there but he picks up on them here and there when the mood strikes him. He sings-Lady GaGa and Train seem to be his favorite. Lord help my husband who now has two dancing fools in the house. If Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ran all day he would be a happy camper, and Buzz has become his toy of choice. Yes I am already setting myself up for another Disney nut. Again I should probably apologize to my husband.
He loves broccoli and green beans but would rather pass on any meat you offer him. Bubbles and books are things he can't live without and he sleeps with a Mickey Mouse we got him during our latest trip to Disney.
So yes my mommy fears are gone. For the moment.
But give me a few more days and I am sure I will come up with something else to worry about.